Graph-based Exploration for Mining and Optimization of Yields (GEMOY Method)


  • Hengki Tamando Sihotang Universitas Putra Abadi Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia
  • Fristi Riandari Politeknik Negeri Medan, Medan, Indonesia
  • Jonhariono Sihotang Universitas Putra Abadi Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia



Graph-based Optimization, GEMOY Method, Industrial Efficiency, Resource Allocation, Yield Management


This research explores the application of graph-based optimization techniques to enhance yield management and minimize transportation costs in industrial operations, particularly focusing on mining. By representing mining sites and processing plants as nodes and transportation routes as edges in a graph, we formulated an optimization problem aimed at maximizing yields while minimizing associated costs. Utilizing linear programming, we demonstrated significant cost savings, reducing transportation costs from 2100 units to 1700 units through optimized flow distribution. The study integrates elements of graph theory, optimization algorithms, and machine learning, providing a robust framework for efficient resource allocation and operational planning. The numerical example underscores the practical applicability of these techniques, paving the way for further research and refinement to accommodate additional constraints and dynamic changes in resource availability. This research highlights the potential of graph-based methods to achieve substantial economic and operational improvements across various industrial contexts.


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Author Biography

Hengki Tamando Sihotang, Universitas Putra Abadi Langkat, Stabat, Indonesia





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How to Cite

Sihotang, H. T., Riandari, F., & Sihotang , J. (2024). Graph-based Exploration for Mining and Optimization of Yields (GEMOY Method). Jurnal Teknik Informatika C.I.T Medicom, 16(2), 70–81.